December 23, 2024

It’s the care


In an ideal world, you’d know what value your customers are buying.

Sure, the container for that value is your product or service, the line item on the invoice, but the value is different and it is the differentiator that means your customers are your customers and not someone else’s.

Could be the value is your unique location, or one of the specific ingredients you bind into your product. Maybe it’s the care or the friendly service or the price or the beautiful packaging they’re buying into. It’s possible they’re in love with your About Us page or that you deliver at 6am or never miss a deadline.

In an ideal world, you’d know, exactly, which are dimensions of value that matter.

For an ideal world … ask the question.

And then double down where it matters.

Skippy strategy: Identify and double down on the values that matters.
