May 10, 2023

Risk and upside


When everything’s sorted, when they’ve have had a chance to settle into standard practice, business as usual is pretty much the same today as yesterday and there’s plenty of focus on efficiency and effectiveness. The idea is to squeeze cost and inefficiency out of the game whilst continuing to do what you have to do.

That’s not us.

When starting things up or changing the game – the earth spins faster. Nothing’s on idle, no systems are honed, we don’t know if we need one or two, or if they’re long and tall or short and wide.

Starting up sometimes means running nowhere fast. With imperfect knowledge and everything in flux … mistakes are made – we build and buy things we don’t need or are the wrong type, we hire the wrong skills, cock things up.

Running fast comes with risk. And upside. That’s the game.

Skippy strategy: Brush yourself down. Go again.
