August 2, 2023

The spaces between


Everyone loves a big picture where you think big thoughts and talk big concepts.

“Between now and January we’ll build this and grow that and create this other thing.”

It has its place.

Everyone loves a PowerPoint plan where you trade in the pieces of the pie, talk intermediate objectives and have a clear idea of what needs to change. Eight beautiful slides.

It’s compelling.

Just never forget that everything that really matters actually happens in the spaces between all the lovely slides, at the nitty-gritty level of detail. Where tab A is put into slot B, where columns add up, where t’s are crossed, phones are answered and actual things happen.

If you want change, you can’t stop with the big speech or the ra! ra! presentation. You have to get into the weft and sort out how it interacts with the weave.

Skippy strategy: It’s always about the detail.
