Third hard bit
So you invented it, and sold it. Now comes the bit over which you have even less control … delivery at quality.
Some of that is actually shipping the product or giving the service.
For products, it starts with the joys of production and ends with logistics. Each, a lesson in humility and zen patience as the rest of the world turns slower and with less flow that you’d like. The trick, stay on it and take nothing for granted.
For services, it’s in confidence, knowing your schtick, and presence.
For both: quality.
Underlying it all, the really hard bit … the value you promised in the sales phase.
You weren’t selling an advert, an app, a car. The promise is almost always about self actualisation. It’s not about what’s written on the invoice.
It’s about them.
Skippy strategy: Make it easy for them to unlock the value and feel good about it.
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