January 5, 2025

One key ingredient


You can put enough people in place, give them the tools for the job and the vision and direction so they know where they’re heading.

You can organise and orchestrate and agree a reasonable plan and a deliverable schedule.

You can clear away obstacles, protect the time and provide whatever resources are necessary to make progress, stay on track and keep going.

You can do all that, alone or collectively, but you’re still dependent on one key ingredient.


The fourth resource.

The one that takes advantage of the time, the talent and the cash in your bag.

Without energy the time slips by, the people mosey along, the cash dribbles away.

You can do your bit to help – let’s call it motivation (just as a place holder some of the complex work of leadership).

The primary source of energy though – self motivated people.

Skippy strategy: Hire intrinsically motivated people.
