Results for the category: Decisions

The right choice

September 9, 2023

Track Yep, it would be lovely to have more information and more time. To cogitate the complexities and connectedness of things. To make sure that this decision is the absolutely, verifiably, indisputably,... READ MORE

Immediately after

August 27, 2023

Post Things move fast sometimes. A call, a change in requirements, finding a route around a road block, a brilliant idea standing in the shower. Then, like any solo journey where roads... READ MORE


August 25, 2023

Blocks When you consider the next steps it’s likely you see problems ahead. Some are toughies and some probably only speed bumps. These are the problems you play with in your head.... READ MORE

Decide to act

July 14, 2023

Plane When you just don’t know. When you have all the intel that’s available and it just isn’t enough. When the advice is conflicting and the whispers run silent. When pro’s and... READ MORE

String of side steps

July 8, 2023

Anon Some things you know, deep down, you’ll have to deal with sooner or later. The benefit of not dealing with it today - an easier life in the short term. You get... READ MORE