February 5, 2023

Messy eats time


To come to a decent resolution on any knotty question, whether one of opportunity or otherwise, we have to put time into it. We need to understand the question itself and the motives that lie behind it, we’ll want to work out the what-ifs of a bunch of scenarios, we may have to take soundings and do research and dig a little deeper on anything we find.

Which is where the time comes in.

Time to meet, time to talk, time to think, time to research, time to think some more, time to talk some more, time to decide. Time.

Sometimes, the whole thing takes ten minutes. Sometimes a lot longer.

The most common characteristic of this process however is that it almost always takes longer than the original estimate. Because working things out is messy, and messy eats time.

Skippy strategy: Give things time, then allow them a little more.
