January 28, 2023

The fool


Let’s say you don’t know. Let’s say there’s an essential piece of the equation that, however hard you try, no matter whether you spin around three times and spit or not, you just don’t know. You refuse to allow yourself to be paralysed by missing links, so make best guesses and get on with things anyway, getting some safety from your ability to change direction if you have to. Playing the risks.

Now let’s say that you don’t know, but you could. That if you put a little measure in place, if you asked the insightful question, if you performed the every day act of paying attention, you could slot a known where previously there had been an unknown. Paralysis or punt. Playing the fool.

To move knowing you don’t know, to move without caring that you could.

Skippy strategy: It’s all about risks, but not the foolish ones.
