June 30, 2019

You say Yes


You say Yes too much.

You say Yes without thinking about whether you have time to deliver on the Yes.

You say Yes without being sure you are able to fulfil on the Yes.

You say Yes because of who’s doing the asking.

You say Yes despite who’s doing the asking.

You say Yes when you know, know, know that the answer should be No, or Not now, or I’ll let you know.

You say Yes despite being over committed to all the other Yeses you’re already on the hook for.

You say Yes when you don’t have to.

You say Yes when you don’t want to.

You say Yes because you’re in the habit of saying Yes.

You say Yes so they’ll like you.

You say Yes because you can’t bring yourself to say No.

You say Yes when it’s the right thing to do.

Skippy strategy: Learn to say No.
