July 15, 2018

About spirit


At the gateways, the decision points, the should-we-do-this moments, there are all the normal considerations about resources and opportunity and risk and potential and upside and downside. Then there’s the costs in terms of alternative uses of those resources and the distraction effects of adding something new to what we’re already doing. There’s the worry of what-ifs, all the things we know we don’t know and the those in the shadows, the doubt, the contrary views, the internal wrangling.

Ultimately, build it down, at the moment of decision, it’s about spirit. Do we have the desire to take this on and keep on pushing through when we’re knee deep in mud that we know must be out there, not sure about the next step? Do we really want to do this? 

Skippy strategy: Ask, do we have the spirit to take this on, no matter what it takes?
