August 2, 2021

Shared knowledge


There’s all the factual knowledge. There’s all the tacit, skills and relationships knowledge. There’s all the different kinds of knowledge that make the world, your world, you particular and peculiar world go around. The knowledge that’s necessary, the knowledge that makes a difference, the knowledge that makes things easy … where is it?

More than likely there are people in your team with specific knowledge that you’d find difficult to rekindle. Inside people who know the how, the who, the where and the when of the things that you rely on.

Maybe that’s ok. Maybe you can put the issue (what issue?) aside and get on with more pressing things. Sure you can. That’s the way it’s always been. You’ve always coped in the past. And you would again. But for the sake of some questions and writing some answers, why should you?

Skippy strategy: All knowledge should be shared knowledge.
