October 3, 2023

She who controls the past


It’s the end of the meeting. Lots of energy, lots of positives. What we decided today means plenty to us and plenty to plenty of others we work with. The room clears.

Now what?

Most places: everyone goes back to their desk to get on with their day job. Twenty four hours later the energy’s gone and no one knows what’s happening. You’re reliant on good intentions, precise memories, self motivations and the hope that the next time you all get together … everyone’s run with their ball. Whatever that means.

Or … write it down. Make minutes in a form that works for you. Make them a shared memory – this is what we decided. Check-in against them, report their progress, check them off. Next time you meet, deal with variances of action, not “I thought you meant” confusion.

Skippy strategy: She who controls the past … makes things happen in the future.
