So you can flex
So there’s the plan. The result of much thought and many late nights. Fresh off the press and shiny bright. Ta da!
Next action, of course, is getting up off your arse and getting on with the doing part. One step after the other, dealing with obstacles along the way, delivering piece after piece after piece inexorably towards the deadline.
Except, most times, the deadline, that date in the calendar, is only part of the deal. The other part, the actual objective, is to deliver a certain measurable target.
I guess you could do what you do, without looking up, until the clock stops. See how things turn out.
Or, smarter, you could keep score along the way. Not just on the deliverables (but, yes, absolutely on the deliverables) but on their running contribution towards the goal.
So you can … flex.
Skippy strategy: It’s not the plan, it’s the objective.
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