Sweeping up
Some jobs can only be done one step at a time. No amount of strategising or gaming it out will make a difference. Shouting in the wind won’t help. Nor will railing at the world. One foot must follow the other from the start of the start and all the way to the finish of the finish.
Let’s get on with it then. We’ll start here, today, right now. We won’t finish quickly, but if we don’t start we’ll never finish at all. So we’ll start. Then we’ll keep on chipping away until it’s done. Chip. Chip. Chip. Just sweeping up.
A little bit more today.
A little bit more today.
Some more today.
Hold on a minute, look how far we’ve come.
A little bit more today.
A little bit more today.
Some more. Some more.
Nearly there.
A little bit more.
Skippy strategy: Bird by bird buddy.
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