February 2, 2023

A spade

The Freak

The hardest leap of all is to deal with reality. It takes commitment to two ideas with the power to make or break any plan, any team, any project, any business, hell, even entire economies. Reality, and dealing with it. Most teams don’t. They succumb to wishful thinking, they filter critical information, they ignore uncomfortable voices, they close down debate and get blindsided by enthusiasm and unfounded or outdated beliefs. And they do it as much with the person in the mirror as the people they meet.

The reality we need is the every-day kind, where we notice a spade and call it a spade and work out whether it’s fit for the job that needs doing.

The dealing with it we need is the every-day kind, where we pick up that spade and use it to get the job done.

Skippy strategy: No fantasy or filtering, deal with reality.
