Moving parts
There are a lot of moving parts. A lot. In reality, you can do what you can do but you can’t control every one of them all the time, and nor should you try. The game is to put the pieces on the field, give them a direction to head and the structure necessary so they are organised without being mechanised.
The wrong pieces (people, money, time, things), lack of direction (shared goals, useful metrics), unhelpful structure (clarity, cohesion, confidence) and you’ll stumble along, pulling against rather than together, and spend more time dealing with internal issues that actually making value and difference in the world.
There’s never enough. It’s therefore about how you make choices over the pieces, how you set up and communicate the change, how you create a winning formula … so that the magic of you people can do it’s work.
Skippy strategy: Moving parts for magic.
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