On tinkering
There’s the graft of getting it done. Version 1 – the least you can do before taking it out to meet the world. After that, there’s more graft as you remove the scaffolding and make it more easily stand up on its own. Still version 1, but more of a whole thing. More of the kinda/sorta finished article you had in mind at the start.
One next step … keep on tinkering. Something that appeals to this corner of the market, something for that group over there, something that plugs the hole and patches the weakness.
Or … before adding and adding and adding and risking the monster … you can optimise. Smooth out the kinks, go back to re-do what you know needs re-doing, replace short-term fixes with long-term solutions.
You might call it optimising, you might call it solidifying.
What you’re really doing … acting professionally.
Skippy strategy: Optimal, solid, professional.
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