October 27, 2022

Open doors


Sometimes it feels like you’re destined to be on the outside. Dancing around in the street, trying to get attention but nobody’s looking. Then, in a seeming blank wall, a door opens. 

Maybe someone opened it for you – an unexpected introduction. You might look at that gift horse and wonder Huh!, with all their relationship equity, they couldn’t have walked you right in and sat you down at the table a long time ago.

Maybe the stars triangulated over your hard work and dancing – you finally get an interesting invitation. And you might be thinking, what’s the catch?

Doesn’t matter.

The thing about open doors … you have to walk through them.


It’s no one’s job to help, nobody will point the way.

In there … it’s up to you.

One step, then another, working it out as you go along.

As soon as the door opens.

Skippy strategy: Take the step.
