December 4, 2024

Replaced with what?


Some things you and your team do, let’s say, could be better. To which the response might be, nobody’s perfect. But when those things are important and the could is really a should, you have a job to do.

The first task is taking hold of the problem. Lay out the facts, be realistic about where this particular issue sits on the priority list. If it’s high enough … given available resources … course correct in collaboration with your team. Are you aiming for good enough, pretty good, a strength, number one?

If you’ve agreed that carrying on doing what you’ve been doing (and getting what you’ve been getting) isn’t ok, then you’ve decided to change. Process change doesn’t live on a wish list; it kicks in when the old way is off limits and replaced.

Replaced with what? Replaced how? Replaced when?

Skippy strategy: Clear expectations, clear measures, clear messages.
