Respect the edge
In the volume world, wherever you find it, the tolerance for variation and chaos diminish. It’s all about efficiency and effectiveness and getting everyone to perform within tolerance and guardrails. So goes volume manufacturing. So goes volume retail. So goes volume travel. So goes volume everything.
Volume demands order.
No edge cases.
For the rest of us – from the lone actors to the ones building new structures, from the ones pushing boundaries to the ones bringing new things into the world – embracing and leaning in on variation and comfort with chaos is the order or the day.
We love the edge.
Problems come when the variation engine gets plugged into the steady state nation. Whether that’s inside the organisation or outside – forcing opposing mindsets causes stress and discomfort on both sides.
The only option: notice it, name it, deal with it.
Skippy strategy: Respect the edge, and the middle.
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