December 8, 2022

Some soul


Every day, all day, we’re switched into communication mode. At the coffee shop, in the meeting, writing the email, around the water cooler. Even three hours deep into the spreadsheet, we’re working out what stories they tell and how to tell their tale to others.

How to do that?

Well … on the receiving end, none of us like to be patronised with management-speak, legalease or corporate-bland. What we like … to be called by our name, to be given credit for an ounce of intelligence, to share a smile, a genuine apology. Nothing rubber-stampish.

So … on the giving end, put some soul into it. Engage in the dialogue, read (or imagine) the body language, roll emails until they sound the way you speak (not a robot). Give a little personality and don’t be scared of sounding like a fallible, beautiful, interesting, characterful human.

Skippy strategy: Starting position – imagine you’re friends.
