October 19, 2022

Straighten the bumps


Some things, deep down (and from the neon on your list), you know you’ll have to deal with sooner or later.

The benefit of not dealing with it today – an easier life. In the short term, you get to dodge the difficult stuff and escape uncomfortable consequences. You know it’s temporary. 

You still have the issue of the actual problem: the known side-steps, the ongoing irritation, the daily dissatisfaction that nags at you until the day inexorably arrives.

Today, maybe, the balance of benefits still favours delay. You’re dealing with it by not dealing with it.

The alternative: trade your easy-life-now for a better-life-tomorrow. Push back on avoidance, strap in and straighten the bumps to build a smoother-faster-straighter road when you’re done.

No one can tell you when to get going. Whichever route you take though … do it knowing what you’re doing.

Skippy strategy: Don’t ignore it – choose the timing.
