The back end
It’s tempting to think it’s all about the front end.
The glossy face-the-world sparkle we present every time we turn on the lights and open the curtain. From the marketing finesse in our website and twitter to the strategic thinking in our proposition and story, our creative muscles tap out the beat as we Sing out, Louise.
But the real work, the cash the cheque work, the keep customers and build your reputation work, the ability to actually do what you say and do it brilliantly … is all in the back end.
Systems, processes, project management, control surfaces, operations, measurement, resources, oversight, teamwork. The creativity to work out how to do it and the discipline to get it done, to push through obstacles, to not over promise, to never under deliver.
Leadership and management, front and back.
Skippy strategy: Let Me Entertain You … with my engine room.
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