March 30, 2023

To fix a mistake


There’s a simple formula for never having to fix mistakes. Never find out about them.

Its’ easy, just build barriers between you and the source of disturbing data and do what you can to discourage the messengers who try to break through (like shout at them, blame them, demote them, fire them). Whilst you’re at it, fire anyone who owns up to their own mistakes or acknowledges any weaknesses. If anything bad actually makes its way to your desk, ignore it or dead-cat it by talking about bad things happening at your competitors, or customers, of anywhere else.

Of course, if you think the way forward is to learn from mistakes, reverse the procedure. Set up sensors and pay attention, thank the messengers, celebrate honesty, reward those who take responsibility to fix the systems that caused the problem.

Skippy strategy: To fix mistakes, first you have to know about them.
