October 3, 2024

Minus the fuss


And then it was easy.

It’s juicy to chow-down on just how difficult it is to get things done. Even with formal authority there’s almost always a gap between how you’d like things to happen and the way things actually work, or when. And when the doing involves anyone outside of your immediate ambit, let’s just agree that things normally take on a level of complexity and mystery that can tax even the most motivated mind.

But, once in a while, you work with a team on a project that rips along. Issues are dealt with minus the fuss, the objective is kept in focus, nobody’s point scoring or one-upping, it’s just a steady pace from the place we start to the place we need to go.

When that happens … breathe, appreciate the wholesomeness … and, pocket the memory. Every project should be this way.

Skippy strategy: Build the right team.
