December 15, 2024

Never leave them wondering


Accepting that any one person has the potential to be below, at or above their own average … how to keep on the right side of the stick?

There aren’t too many ingredients.

Hire well – which means trying to pick out intrinsically motivated candidates. The reality is out of your control; what you’re looking for is people who have the willingness to put the work in, consistently, even on their bad days.

Clear objectives – nobody likes working in the dark. We all like to know what we’re supposed to be doing and where it fits into the larger whole.

The big one …

Candid feedback – never leave them wondering, how am I doing? Everything has more impact if there’s clarity along the way. Not just towards the end goal, but the chosen path, the steps, and the attitude with which they’re attacked.

Skippy strategy: Average is below the minimum.
