December 13, 2022

What is their best?


So you’ve hired the perfect candidate. Or you’ve taken on a diamond in the rough. Or you’ve got someone on staff who shows potential but isn’t quite hitting it. Or you’ve got someone on staff who’s disappointing you and nowhere near hitting it. Endless permutations. Your job is to get the people around you to fulfil their roles as best they can.

First question: what is their role? Do they know, have you told them what you expect, how you’d like them to do things, what kind of feedback you want? Or have you left them to work it out for themselves?

Last question: what is their best? Do you know, have you asked how you can help, what’s in their way, what kind of feedback they need? Or have you left it to chance?

Your best bet is to work it all out together.

Skippy strategy: Train each other.
