December 6, 2019

You care

Care line

Check in.

With the people who you think may be troubled, ask them how they’re doing.

With the people who you think may be doubling down on the Kool Aid, ask them how they’re doing.

With the people you struggle to have an opinion about, ask the how they’re doing.

Ask them what they’re working on, who they’re working with, how they’re getting on, whether they’re hitting road blocks, how and what and who they’re struggling with, what rabbits they’re chasing, where their excitement or interest or hunch is pointing. 

Ask them if there’s anything you can do to help, any one they need to be introduced to, any resource they’re wishing they could hustle up, how they’re going to make the next breakthrough.

None of it because you have an agenda.

All of it because you care how they’re doing.

Skippy strategy: Show them how much you care.
