Results for the category: Decisions

Most impacted

September 27, 2020

Quad In our excitement, in our haste to share the news, in our healthy desire to bring everyone into the loop, sometimes we forget to bring the right people inside the circle... READ MORE

Who is responsible?

September 5, 2020

Bronze At the end of the meeting, good practice is to summarise the decisions that were taken, the actions that were committed, and the updates that need to me made outside the... READ MORE

Make the call

August 1, 2020

Thinkers The thing about decision making, as the decision maker, is that you have to make the actual decision. Sometimes it’s a no brainer. The evidence is overwhelming and there’s no real decision... READ MORE

Now what?

July 16, 2020

Door It’s sounds so easy. After all the wrangling, the moments of doubt, the will she won’t she, the pros and cons, the white-boarding, after all that, we made the decision. We’re... READ MORE

Out of the way

June 29, 2020

Red If only we’d get out of our own way. If only we’d do what’s right for the team, the business, the organisation rather than the thing we want to do, or... READ MORE