All of them
There’s definitely a lot to do.
There’s the big projects that trundle ever forward once life is breathed into them (people assigned, budgets created, time allowed, plans committed). Always needing attention, always in our mind.
There’s the personal projects, that even for an ace delegator like y’self, sir, only you can do. Maybe they go with the job title, or the skill set, or the passion. For whatever reason, they’re all yours. Niggling until they’re done.
There’s all the little things that just need doing. The five minute phone calls, the pop to the shops, the to-do list fodder.
Then there’s the fires to fight that burn at the top of the stack and allow no slack.
All that.
The job is getting things done, all of them.
They will eat time, they are the work, always and forever.
Skippy strategy: Prioritise, organise, crack on. Every day. Always.
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