February 3, 2023

Fires fought


Those days, the ones where you sit down at the beginning with a half decent idea of what you’d like to get done, and then you don’t.

Not because you don’t put in the hours, not either because your list was harder than you thought, nor even that you’ve been polishing your procrastination pips. 

Just because more people walked through your door with more urgent things that – despite your highly charged prioritisation chops – got in the way. Fighting fires might be invigorating, but not every day. That’s February 2nd again, and again. And again.

Days like that are judged by effort entered and fires fought, but they’re not metrics we care about.

For progress, for impact, work on the longer wavelength non-urgent important stuff that moves the stick and makes a difference.

Skippy strategy: Start the day with the things that make for fewer fires tomorrow.
