More fixed points
Making progress can be like wading through treacle where every step takes total effort and concentration. Your attention gets focused on the very next effort and your eyes cast down to see what’s in the way. Without thinking, everything becomes tactical and you risk getting overwhelmed with waves of difficulty.
After a while … tactics, manoeuvre, tactics, manoeuvre, tactics, manoeuvre – feels pretty normal.
The risk … when you finally manage to look up, finding yourself where you didn’t want to be. Swept by a tide further from the goal than ever.
The remedy … navigate by fixed points and lift your head as often as possible.
The fixed points are in the plan.
Vision, objectives, strategy, metrics. Where are we going? How will we get there? What do we use to measure progress?
Wade through treacle, manoeuvre, but always in pursuit of the plan.
Skippy strategy: Lift your eyes, focus on fixed points.
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