July 9, 2022

Voices outside


You don’t need an outsider to see things clearly, but it helps. Buried in the day to day as you are, overwhelmed with five minute and five hour and five day and five week tasks, dragged into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Woods and trees.

That outsider doesn’t have to be someone outside your organisation, but outside your core team is good. Maybe it’s a developer with a different perspective, that person in marketing who doesn’t quite get it but gets something and maybe she’s right about it too, the footnote on the monthly forecast that asks a question you hadn’t considered.

It isn’t that they have the answer (although they may) it’s that the view from their perspective might just cut through the mist, that pebble in your shoe that makes you stop, that insight that lights the fires and points the way.

Skippy strategy: Listen to voices outside your day to day.
