December 12, 2022

Between the lines


What they’ll tell you, if you ask them, and particularly if you ask them at the wrong time, is that everything is fine. Better than fine. It’s brilliant. Amazing. And that if you aren’t feeling amazing too then there’s something wrong with you, your team, what you’re doing or where you’re doing it.

What they’ll tell you, if they’re honest, and particularly if you ask them in the right context, is that everything is hard. Because it is hard. Because nothing, on the inside, is as easy as it looks from the outside. And if you think this thing is easy, or that the path is an effortless down hill trot, then you’re doing something wrong and you’re probably deluding yourself.

Listen between the lines. It’s not one thing or the other. And nobody can tell you how it’s going to be for you.

Skippy strategy: Listen, don’t swallow whole. 
