Every penny
Living at the margins, every penny counts. They’re measurable, people care about them, they stack up and add up and sometimes, all those pennies make a material difference.
Price is important. It is. But, unless you’re in the commodity business (you’re not, are you?) it’s not as important as what really matters.
For most of us, the game isn’t won or lost on pennies.
After you’re in the ball park the game is about relationships and follow through and quality. It’s about partnership rather than customer-and-supplier. It’s about believing and knowing that they’ll work with you to push through, and play catch when everything’s flying out of back of the fan.
You don’t have to shake the last one percent out of the deal. Leave it on the table so there’s goodwill and latitude when you need it.
Skippy strategy: Don’t shake every penny from the deal. Leave some juice.
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