April 17, 2018

Hard work


Some companies are just hard work to deal with.

Maybe it’s their systems. Maybe everyone knows they’re out of step with the way things should be, but no one who cares has the time or authority to sort it out. So every day is a slow hard slog of wading through organisational treacle just to get the basic things done.

Maybe it’s their people. So narrow in their focus and so busy with their day-to-day that no one sees the web of interference they running.

Maybe it’s their structure. We overlapping responsibilities and underwhelming authority, everyone has to move before anyone can move, and lining that up saps time and energy.

It’s definitely their leadership.

It’s definitely a lack care, settling, failure to act, acceptance.

If you’re the customer … find somewhere else to do your business.

If it’s your business … start leading.

Skippy strategy: On either side, demand more.
