March 28, 2023

Over it


Sometimes things happen that are outside the normal cut and thrust. A life changing deal that goes south. A technical bet that, that, that, that, never pays off. A commitment that, despite appearances, isn’t reciprocated.

When that happens, two things can follow – one inevitable, one a choice.

Inevitably, the world will continue to turn, and, with the requisite amount of breathing in and breathing out and just turning up, you and your team will have to get on with all the other things they have to do.

The choice is how much you let it throw you off your game. You will get over it – accepting the backward looks every now and again – but it’s a choice to let yourself be tossed about looking for someone or something to blame, or simply to turn the page and starting work on the next chapter.

Skippy strategy: There’s always another chapter.
