January 2, 2018

Then you edit


For every good idea you have, you probably have a bunch of not so good. Over time – with practice, discipline and attention to outcomes – you become a better editor. Weeding out more of the bad, and letting though more of the good.

Like everything else that matters, finding good ideas is about practice.

It’s starts with the ideas themselves, lots of them. Good and bad, big and small, entirely new or mostly additive. Doesn’t matter where they come from, just that they’re out there, in the open for all to see.

The best way to tease them out: with your team, at a whiteboard, asking for help.

Then you edit.

Add and take away, combine and categorise, associate and splice. Work the whiteboard until you have order: the good, the bad, the as-yet ungainly.

Then put ideas in to action.

Skippy strategy: Organise your schedule, find yourself a whiteboard.
