June 18, 2018

Thorns and flowers


When things end, especially when they end badly, it’s tempting to chew over the good and the bad of the thing, to lay blame, point fingers and wallow a little in the misery-mud. Tempting, compelling even, but a waste of time and energy.

When thing end, especially when they end badly, another option is to put it behind you straight away. To ignore the past and focus exclusively through the front windshield, to look and move only forward. An option, but a missed opportunity.

When things end, especially when they end badly, it’s smart to learn the lessons and move on to whatever comes next.

Mine for the roots of discontent, the thorns and flowers, the misplaced expectations … and make sure to look in the mirror. Build what you learn into tuned processes and polished behaviours.

Then face forward: older, wiser, stronger and without regrets.

Skippy strategy: Learn and grow.
