April 7, 2022

Wading through


Fighting the good fight, buried in the day to day, dealing with one issue after another, meeting after meeting after meeting, endless email. You’re more likely to have your head down than up, more often intense than reflective, more inclined towards the frantic than the relaxed.

Just for now, five minutes maybe, sit back, look toward the horizons, reflect. No matter how hard it feels on any given Tuesday, you’ve come a long way, made strides of progress, covered ground, crossed chasms, leapt tall buildings and generally done an amazing job in the context of uncertainty, unknown-unknowns. You’re wading through the kind of treacle that would have sucked you back, moving slower for longer than at any point  earlier in the journey.

The summary: you’ve made progress. The outlook: you’ll make more.

Skippy strategy: Take time to acknowledge progress and encourage your team to do the same, then knuckle down again.
