January 23, 2023



And so it comes to pass that everyone involved can see the end in sight, and with respect and humility they agree to sit down likes the friends they have become to settle their accounts. No ill will, no arguments. It’s the end of the party and they come together to do the washing-up, shoulder to shoulder, until it’s clean, dry and everything is put away.

Of course, it doesn’t often work that way. At the end of a relationship – supplier/customer, team/team member, partners/shareholders – someone likely feels hurt and sees a chance for pay-back, or maybe they want a win in a nil-sum game, or regret and anger produce a red mist or single-sided vision.

You can’t control how anyone else will react. You can control how you react.

Work towards a sweet resolution, level headed, all business.

Skippy strategy: You can only control how you react.
