What do you think?
There are many contenders for the most powerful words in management. Let me offer a contender to the party … I’m not sure, what do you think?
In your position, people come to you for your help and opinion. Sometimes they want you to solve their problems for them, make decisions, take responsibility. They ask you what to do – maybe not using this words, but that’s what they mean.
In your position, it’s easy to take on the burden. With your experience, it might even be a good idea. Maybe you’ve been around those particular houses before. Maybe you’d be better at it than them. Doesn’t matter.
The strongest response you can give is … I’m not sure, what do you think?
Skippy strategy: Hands the ball back to them, so they have to think, so they have to learn, so they have to take responsibility … so they build experience of their own.
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