August 23, 2023

What will you bring?


There’s more to meetings customers than spending time in the same space. There has to be a point. Otherwise, it might be lovely and everything, and long overdue, but it’s a waste of your time and theirs. And there probably won’t be an invitation from either side to return for more of the same.

The point – with customer or anyone else – is always an exchange of value.

So bring a gift. Not a coffee mug with a logo – but a good idea, a clear understanding of the challenges they’re facing and maybe some solutions, a white paper that opens up their thinking, a colleague or consultant who can offer bigger thoughts or deeper insights.

Make the meeting make sense. Make sure both sides are glad they gave the time.

Relationships are built on value, not face-time. What will you bring?

Skippy strategy: Whenever you meet, bring a gift of value.
