February 16, 2021

Ask for help


It’s good when someone on your team asks for help. It shows that they’re taking their responsibilities seriously and are aware that they’re out of their skillset or time. The work will get done, they’ll learn a new skill or better scheduling, and everyone can get back to doing what they do.

It’s bad when someone on your team asks for help too often. It shows that they’re being overburdened with work (which means you need to grow the team), they don’t have the necessary skills to do the job (which might mean a training requirement or it could mean they’re out of their depth).

It’s worse when someone on your team asks for help too often and you do nothing about it.

Three options: lower expectations, give them the training, find someone else with the right skillset.

Skippy strategy: When they ask for help, do something about it.
