Results for the category: Decisions

The world turns

August 10, 2021

Bark As things evolve new responsibilities emerge. We used to need that but now we need this other thing too, or this new thing need to replace the old, or the old... READ MORE

The actual problem

July 25, 2021

Ruins There are definitely things you can’t control. OK. Accepted. Everything else then. If something is a problem - something you can control - you fix it. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.... READ MORE

A blocker

June 22, 2021

Rapids There’s a difference between a bottleneck and a blocker. Bottlenecks are contractions in the flow, slowing everything that passes to the pace of the lumpiest and stickiest part. Everything backing up behind... READ MORE

Green or blue

June 6, 2021

Umbrella It’s lovely to have options. Forward or back, left or right, in or out, green or blue. It’s great to hold all the cards and play them, or not, in your... READ MORE

The north country

April 17, 2021

Bags The thing about making a decision is that one’s you made the decision you can get on with all the things that come after the decision. Up to that point, everything... READ MORE