Results for the category: Decisions

Off limits

April 19, 2019

Keep Some things you and your team do, let’s say, could be better. To which the response might be, nobody’s perfect. But when those things are important and the could is really... READ MORE

Swallow hard

April 13, 2019

Ed Unanimity is lovely. You get to the end of the conversation, the angles have been considered, dissenters listened to, arguments fought and positions examined and understood … and universal agreement breaks... READ MORE

Hoary problems

April 1, 2019

Hoary We all have hoary problems that never go away. Like the troublesome supplier who does good work, eventually, but leaves you guessing between infrequent updates. Or the team member who goes walkabout,... READ MORE

Yesterday’s choices

March 27, 2019

Horror The processes, systems, products, connections, networks, suppliers, customers, everything and every way you do business today is based on the requirements and circumstances you found yourself in yesterday. Or maybe the... READ MORE

A fulsome answer

March 26, 2019

Complex When someone asks a complex question, it’s a pretty good bet they want to know the answer. It’s also likely they’ve eliminated everyone else in their rolodex and they’re now looking... READ MORE