Results for the category: Decisions

Let them learn

December 22, 2017

Passage When you do things for the first time, you make mistakes. Slowly, stumble after tumble, you learn to stay on your pins and make fewer prat falls. You still cock things... READ MORE

The other thing about guesses

November 24, 2017

Umbrellas The other thing about guesses … they don’t have to be guesses for long. You need them when you have no alternative, absolutely. They sit in for facts until you can light... READ MORE

About guesses

November 23, 2017

Umbrellas It’s all a guess. Ok, not all, but a goodly portion. You guess about sales, about the new hire, the demands for cash and your ability to collect it. You guess about... READ MORE

The error of

November 22, 2017

Domes You’re expecting good news. All the signs point your way. The runes have been read, the bones have been thrown, the tea leaves make happy shapes at the bottom of the... READ MORE

Left or right?

November 11, 2017

Choice There are times when there’s no more data, when you’re left with a simple choice: left or right? It’s a toughie, and no matter how many times you chew the bone, there’s... READ MORE