All of you
Some tasks are intimidating. They’re bigger, more complex, more connected, deeper than other tasks. Most can be split into smaller chunks and parcelled out and delegated. Most can be eaten one bite at a time.
Some though, need all of you. You know they can consume you for multiple stretches of multi hour days. You know you’re the only one. And you know it won’t do itself.
The lesson you learned a looonng time ago: sit down and keep on going until you’ve looped around the beginning the middle and the end.
The intimidating thought: getting started.
The lesson you’ve forgotten: start anywhere.
Somewhere. The middle. The end. The bit right after the start which you know you’ll have to redo because you always do. Anything to get you started.
Just start.
Skippy strategy: It’s going to happen. Might as well be now.
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