May 14, 2017

Find the reset

Hong Kong

There’s so much that we’re wedded to. The way we do things, systems and processes, relationships with colleagues and customers and suppliers and partners. We slot into the groove every time. Follow the tracks we’ve followed before. This is the way it works.

Except sometimes it doesn’t work. It’s kinda serviceable and everything, but not how you’d make it if you started again.

So do something about it.

Start again.

Take another look at the system – find a better one.

Reengineer the process – make it smarter, faster, cheaper, better.

Redefine the relationship – work out how to make it more win-win that it is today. Have the difficult conversation. Give the feedback they really need to hear. Ask for the feedback you really need to hear.

Don’t accept the status quo.

Find the reset button.

Skippy strategy: You don’t always have to start where you are today.
