Hunting for data
The other thing about guesses … they don’t have to be guesses for long.
You need them when you have no alternative, absolutely. They sit in for facts until you can light up the dark, totally. But they’re a short-term fix. As short a term as you can make it.
And that means going hunting for data.
Some is right there on the surface, if only you’d looked before – and now you have! Some is always buried deep in ground beneath the snow, you have to dig and dig and dig – not easy, groping around until you find what you need, ever when you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. And then there’s some that’s only missing because you haven’t asked the right question to the right person.
Give guesses their shortest shelf life … replace them by looking, digging, and asking better questions.
Skippy strategy: Fill in the blanks, actively.
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